Firstly, I would like to say a big sorry for all of you being my fans for not frequently updating this only-1-post blog. Hahaha.. Like I've uttered before in my initial post, I type in spasm.
Now, let us go to the point, which is about "Holes" . Not that kind of holes you are thinking about, these are scientifically called Black holes, White holes and Worm holes. Yes, they're are plural, countless of them. These terms are pioneered by a physicist in 1969, named John Archibald Wheeler.
This enormous suck-everything dark hole is the most familiar among you, isn't it ? In the last stage of large stars, they are pulled by a tremendously strong gravitational force surrounding black hole. The force is so strong no lights could escape from it. That is why we call it, "Black Hole". Area around Black hole is called Event Horizon. Once you cross, you can't go back. Stars, in this case planets, are pulled , along with their surrounding colorful atmosphere, giving effects to the hole before they enter and sights to the scientists observing them. Due to the strength of the gravitational forces,everything is squeezed. Let's say, A star is the size of a mountain. It could shrink to approximately a size of a butterfly, yet the mass stays constant. The star would be extremely dense. Then, those shrunk stars become a tiny point in the very center of Black hole, called Singularity. Black hole is divided into 2 kinds , Rotating and Non-Rotating. If you enter a Non-Rotating Black Hole, you are certain to die, period. Conversely, If you're pulled to a Rotating Black Hole, you could somehow avoid the singularity. The way you dodge the singularity is theoretically believed to be what makes time travel likely to happen.If Time travelling is possible , could we now probably meet men from the future ?
White Holes and Worm Holes will appear in the next 2 posts.
Life's Good when you Hum !
finally you update your blog bilong.
BalasHapusgive an applause. hahaha :D